
more details later… Added these categories for overview sake.
I dont know if we actually need each of these features/tools as separate categories. Topics, inside this parent category might be enough.


  1. AI-Builder: AnythingLLM and Typebot
  2. Automation: Taskmagic (uses Activepieces), eventually n8n
  3. Academy: OnlineCourseHost.com
  4. Marketing: https://mydigitalcmo.io/

Then ofcourse:
5. Workadventure
6. Discourse

Each of those We can provide with a own “unlimited” workspace to get crazy with :-). Hope this helps you to get a outline of what is offered. Shall I use your Email Adress, the same you used in this forum, to invite you to each of these?



Please use lexsdev@pm.me – I am slowly retiring alex@thecontentmedic.com :slight_smile: So I would actually like to replace my forum and CCW login if possible. And thank you! This outline is helpful.

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