Execute following script in browser dev console:
// Function to scrape unique 'coremeet' URLs from iframes without parameters
function getUniqueCoremeetIframeLinks() {
// Get all iframe elements in the document
const allIframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); // Select all <iframe> elements
// Extract and clean URLs (remove parameters)
const coremeetLinks = Array.from(allIframes)
.map(iframe => iframe.src) // Extract the src attribute
.filter(src => src && src.includes('coremeet')) // Ensure src exists and contains 'coremeet'
.map(src => {
const urlObj = new URL(src);
return `${urlObj.origin}${urlObj.pathname}`; // Keep only base URL
// Remove duplicates by converting to a Set, then back to an array
const uniqueLinks = Array.from(new Set(coremeetLinks));
// Output the results
if (uniqueLinks.length > 0) {
console.log('Unique coremeet URLs (without parameters):', uniqueLinks);
} else {
console.log('No coremeet URLs found in iframes.');
return uniqueLinks;
// Call the function